Tank Size – 750 Litres (7x2x2 foot) Fish Kept – Frontosa, Tropheus, Lemon Cichlids and Calvus Cichlids Filtration – 2x...
Your Fish Tank African Cichlid Tanks
An aquarium with primarily African Cichlids as the inhabitants. Normally fish are from one of the rift valley lakes (Malawi, Tanganyika and Victoria). To feature your fish tank in this section you do not even need to log in, simply submit the details on the your fish tank submission form.
Tank Size – 7′x2′x2′ – around 790 litres Fish Kept - Variety of Mbuna African Cichlids form lake Malawi Filtration...
Tank Size - 7'x2'x2' - around 750 litres Fish Kept - 16x Tropheus Moorii Ilangi Kasaba Bay 3x Tropheus Ikola...
Tank Size - 4'x2'x2' - around 400 litres Fish Kept - 13x Tropheus Ilangi, 16x Tropheus Moliro, 13x Sardine Cichlid...
Tank Size - 6Lx3Dx2H FT Just over 1000 litres plus a 4ft sump which i am unsure how much it holds...