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Sajica, T-Bar Cichlid, T-Bar Convict – Archocentrus Sajica


Common Name: Sajica, T-Bar Cichlid, T-Bar Convict

Scientific Name: Archocentrus Sajica

Average Adult Fish Size: 5 inches / 12 cm.

Place of Origin: Costa Rica

Typical Tank Setup: South / Central American biotope with plants, rocks, roots/bogwood/driftwood.

Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 30 gallon / 120 litre for a single fish, 60 gallon / 240 litre for a pair

Compatibility: Mildly aggressive. Should be kept with fish of similar size and temperament.

Temperature: 24-27 Deg C / 74-79 Deg F

Water Chemistry: ph 7.0 -7.6

Feeding: Omnivorous and will readily accept flakes, pellets, and frozen foods. Will also eat smaller fish, but this should not be the main portion of their diet.

Sexing: When mature, the male Sajica grows elongated fins which equal the tail in length, while the female gets a yellow/orange color in their fins. Very easy to sex and an all round enjoyable fish to keep.

Breeding: Typical Cichlid substrate spawner. Sajicas will spawn on a flat rock or in a upturned clay flower pot. Young are typically free swimming within 4-5 days and readily accept baby brine shrimp (BBS), micro-worms, and finely crushed flake food.

Additional Information: A very beautiful mid-sized Cichlid.