JMC Catfish Pellets is a type of food i have been using since my first 50 litre tropical tank. JMC Catfish Pellets have been specially formulated for all tropical and cold-water bottom feeding fish like Pictus Catfish, Plecos & Clown Loaches.
They are in the form of sinking pellets and because of their very high protein content (48%) and i have found they are ideal for bringing fish into breeding condition. I would normally feed my fish a few times a day making sure all the food was eaten within a few minutes. Also use JMC Catfish Pellets as part of a varied diet do not just rely on these pellets. (I find variety is the spice of life.)
This is the content of the food.
- Oil 12%
- Protein 48%
- Ash 8%
- Fibre 1.3%
I have found you can buy JMC Catfish Pellets in most local fish store also you can pick up online. It comes in the following sizes 100g, 200g, 400g & 850g. What you will find with most things in life you buy the bigger size you will get a better overall deal.
I would highly recommend JMC Catfish Pellets to anyone. I have never had any fish turn it down and when it comes to value for money there is nothing to rival.
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