Common name: Cuming’s Barb
Scientific name: Barbus Cumingii
Average Adult Fish Size: 2 inches (5cm)
Place of Origin: They are found in mountain streams in Sri Lanka
Typical Tank Setup: small species of fish which does well in community tanks especially if they are kept in a small shoal of around 6-8 and have open and planted areas to swim in.
Recommended Tank Size: 20 gallons
Compatibility: They do great in community tanks but prefer to be in shoals for comfort
Temperature: 22-27 degrees Celsius
Water Chemistry: pH of 7.0
Feeding: They will eat most fish flakes and small live food such as daphnia and bloodworms.
Sexing: Males are slightly slimmer and more colorful than females when breeding.
Breeding: As for breeding, this is an egg-scattering species with an appetite for its own eggs. it isn’t an easy fish to breed in home aquariums but success can be achieved once a compatible pair begin spawning. Once eggs have been laid they should hatch in 24 – 48 hours with the fry free swimming around 24 hours later.
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