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Cochu’s Blue Tetra – Boehlkea Fredcochui


Common name: Cochu’s Blue Tetra, Blue Tetra

Scientific name: Boehlkea Fredcochui

Average Adult Fish Size:  1.5 inches  /  3.8 cm

Place of Origin: South America, Amazon River Basins.

Typical Tank setup: Well planted with rocks and driftwood/bogwood.

Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 15 gallon / 60 litre

Compatibility: It is very common to find tetras with Corydoras as companions, as they are both quite peaceful and other tank mates like Guppies, other Tetras, Rasboras, Mollies & Platies

Temperature: 73 – 82 Deg F / 23 – 28 Deg C

Water chemistry: pH 6.0 – 8.0

Feeding: A diet of normal tropical flakes is the best place to start with the Blue Tetra.

Sexing: The male Cochu’s Blue Tetra tends to be more bold in colour than the more fuller bodied females.

Breeding: Dimly lit tank with some fine leaved plants on the bottom to catch the eggs will encourage breeding. Be sure to remove parents after they have spawned to avoid them eating the eggs.

Additional Information: As with most tetra, the Cochu’s Blue Tetra will do best in a well planted fish tank aquarium, it is recommended that a group of at leats 6 of them although ideally 10 are kept as this shoaling fish does better when part of a group.