Common name: Aulonocranus Dewindti
Scientific name: Aulonocranus Dewindti
Average Adult Fish Size: 13cm / 5Inches
Place of Origin: Lake Tanganyika
Typical Tank setup: Rocky set-up is required tank with plenty of open swimming space.
Recommended Minimum Aquarium Capacity: 300 Litres
Compatibility: Combine with other Lake Tanganyika cichlids. If keeping in a species only aquarium provide at least three females for every male.
Temperature: 23-27 Deg C / 73-81 Deg F
Water chemistry: pH 8-9
Feeding: Omnivore – Best thrives on specially made African Cichlid pellets or flakes.
Sexing: Males and females of this species are identical and the only accurate way of determining their sex is by venting. Males tend to be a little larger than females.
Breeding: Aulonocranus Dewindti are maternal mouthbrooders like many of the African Cichlids. The male will entice a mate and as the female lays her eggs he will fertilize them. The process continues till all the eggs are fertilized and the female holds them in her mouth for 3-4 weeks during which time she does not eat.
Additional Information: These are truly beautiful fish and another uniquely shaped Cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Most of the fish found in this lake are different in shape, colour and behavior compared to cichlids from the other two lakes. Aulonocranus Dewindti develop attractive hues of yellow and blue more prominent when the male is in breeding condition. This fish develops long and graceful fins most noticeably their pectoral fins a trait, which is seen in more popular species from Lake Tanganyika such as Brichardi and Frontosa. An ideal set-up will feature soft sandy bottom with rock structures as well as plenty of swimming space.
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